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      At the beginning of the semester, I thought this class was going to be hard. I didn’t think I was going to do well in it because I have never done well in English classes and the workload seemed like a lot. The moment we were introduced to Project 1, I was nervous. I would say I am a decent writer but can’t always put the right words together. I had multiple ideas for this personal narrative and chose the one that I remembered the most of. The personal narrative was easy for me to write since it was about a topic I personally experienced and something that I wanted to write about. That’s what I enjoyed most about this class; how we got to choose our topics for the projects. But the personal narrative wasn’t a huge task for me. In the conference, I was on the right track just in a few parts it was too much like an essay, but I took note of that and fixed it. I ended up with a 100 on Project 1 which I am personally proud of because, like I said before, I am not the best at writing.
      Then Project 2 came, and I was more confident that I would get a good grade on it. Even though this was normal essay form; it was still on a topic of our choice, so it was easier to write. However, with this project I encountered a couple complications. The first being that I had to change my community because I could not get in touch with the advisor of the original community I had chosen. Thank goodness I had a backup plan though. Another complication was that it was hard for me to visit the community I had chosen next because the circus practices were during the times I had classes, but luckily they had an extra practice that I was able to attend which is where I interviewed some people. It also worked to my advantage that I am in a sorority and my big is actually in the circus. She helped me with most of my essay and gave me all the information I needed. In my conference for Project 2, we discussed how my paper was good I just needed to get closer to the word count since I was well under. I was given a 92 which I was happy with, but I still revised just so I could get a higher A.
While I was doing well in the class I came across a MAJOR setback. My computer broke. It occurred during Project 2. I didn’t have a computer for about two months. I lost all of my files and unfortunately, I hadn’t uploaded anything to my wixsite yet. Thankfully my mom is a computer geek and was able to retrieve some of my most recent files. I was able to get my Project 1 drafts and my research proposal back, but I couldn’t get my shitty first draft for Project 1, my annotated bibliography, or my first draft of Project 2 back. I just rewrote my shitty first draft since it was supposed to be shitty anyways and then had to restart for my Project 2 draft. Honestly though, I am not upset about the Project 2 draft because it was really bad, and I needed to start from scratch anyways.
      Project 3 was easy. I just made a flyer, Instagram page, and then the podcast. I had no struggles with that one which was a nice way to end the class. From my experience in this class, I have definitely become more confident in my writing because even in my other classes I was getting good grades on my essays. At the beginning I was expecting a B at the highest but now I am expecting a high A in this class and I am proud of myself. This will be the best grade I have ever gotten in an English class and it makes me feel even better knowing that it was a college English course.
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